How to Prepare for IELTS at Home | SOPEDITS

Students wishing to prepare at home can refer to the IELTS Preparation Guide, which contains IELTS sample papers and strategies, which help them prepare without going to any formal coaching institute. IELTS books and resources are also great preparation materials followed by a flurry of many IELTSs everywhere. Candidates can also refer to the official IELTS website for further study material. Here are some guidelines and suggestions to help you prepare for the exam, with all the materials and resources in your hand. The test is divided into four sections, and each section requires a unique approach to achieve a decent band score Listen Reading Writing Speaking 1. Listen Listening is considered the easiest of the four sections. Candidates will listen to 4 different recordings and answer 40 questions within 30 minutes. The tricky part is, you will hear and write the answer at the same time. So how do you ace the auditory part of the exam? Practice, practice, and practice, do as many mark...