Want to Study in Australia Without IELTS for Fall 2020

Studying in Australia is a dream for many students who are ready to study abroad. A common parameter is that many of us are not comfortable with the English language test. IELTS and TOEFL are crazy hard to crack, so what if we find a way around those tests and still study in Australia ? Here is a list of all universities in Australia without IELTS / TOEFL. Keep in mind that many Australian universities accept the Australian Government as well as PTE (Pearson Test of English) as language proficiency, which depends on PTE scores for many purposes. 1. University of Queensland: The University of Queensland is ranked 48th among the top universities in the world. You can study at the University of Queensland if you meet one of the criteria listed below: A. Completed secondary education with English rich discipline in one of the following listed countries: B. in Australia without IELTS for Indian students. study: For Indian students, they have to fulfill the following criteria: ...