Top 10 Study Tips for the GMAT Exam | Sopedits
Although the idea of GMAT Prep may seem daunting at first, rest assured that with a solid study plan, an effective test preparation strategy, and our expert GMAT study tips, you can set yourself up for success and earn your best score. can do.
Make progress toward your business school goals with these top 10 study tips.
1. Develop a GMAT Study Plan Quickly
MBA and Business Master's applications have many components—including essays, letters of recommendation, resumes, and more—and the last thing you want is to combine them all while preparing for the GMAT on a condensed schedule.
2. Know the test sections and consider them in your study plan
Before preparing a study plan, it is best practice to make sure that you know the structure of the GMAT exam. There are four main sections of the test:
- Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA Section) - which measures your ability to think critically and communicate your ideas.
- Integrated Reasoning (IR Section) – which measures your ability to analyze data and interpret information displayed in different formats.
- Quantitative Reasoning (quantity section) - which measures your ability to reason mathematically, solve quantitative problems, and interpret graphic data.
- Oral Reasoning (Verbal Section) - which evaluates your reading comprehension skills, editing abilities, and whether you can understand written arguments.
3. Choose Your GMAT Preparation Materials Wisely
There is an abundance of test prep resources available but choose carefully—not all of these resources are created equal.
For the best preparation (and to emulate the experience of taking the real test), we recommend accessing the GMAT official preparation materials. Since they are created by the makers of GMAT, they use the same GMAT scoring algorithm as the real test and contain real questions from previous exams.
Not sure which official GMAT preparation resource is right for you? Take our quiz to be matched to your personalized GMAT prep plan!
4. Identify (and work on) your GMAT weaknesses
Finding out which skills need the most attention for your overall preparation strategy. We recommend using the GMAT Official Guide series to assess your abilities and pinpoint your weak areas. Analyze your results, and from there create a customized, targeted study plan to brush up on the areas where you need to strengthen your skills to reach your goals.
And remember to be realistic with yourself—getting 700 or higher on the GMAT isn't always a reality. Take the GMAT™ Mini Quiz for an instant estimated score range and understand what goals can be achieved for you.
5. Keep time in mind as part of your GMAT preparation
Because you have limited time, pacing yourself is paramount to your GMAT success. If you know the verbal section will be challenging for you, for example, refine your verbal skills, but also make sure you can execute them quickly.
Once you have practiced enough and grasped the concepts, start keeping track of time so that you can train yourself to solve the problem efficiently. You'll need to pace yourself as you work through the four timed sections of practice exams.
You can score and speed against the same algorithm that will be used on test day by adding Practice Tests 3 and 4 to your preparation after you've completed Free Tests 1 and 2. US$50!
6. Don’t stay stuck on a GMAT question
Remember, there’s a penalty for not completing each section of the test, and with each unanswered question, your score could decrease.
Don’t fall into the trap of worrying whether you are answering every question correctly. Do your best, obviously, but stick to a pacing strategy. Don’t invest more than two and a half minutes on any one question. If you’re stumped, make a strategic guess. That brings us to our next point.
7. Use the Elimination Process on the GMAT Exam
Don't waste your precious time when you come across questions that you don't know the answer to. When in doubt, rule out wrong answers to get closer to the correct answer. Select the best from the remaining options and proceed to the next question.
If your time is up (despite your best pacing plan), figure out a "guessing strategy" in advance to avoid unnecessary GMAT score deductions.
8. Practice Visual Literacy While Preparing for the GMAT
We have established that time management is an important GMAT exam-taking strategy. Looking for an easy way to increase your efficiency? Master visual literacy, or the ability to read symbols, charts, and tables.
This type of visual data is commonly displayed in the GMAT, so learning how to interpret it quickly is an important skill. In the GMAT Quant section of the exam, you may also encounter non-standard mathematical notation (or symbols specific to a problem), so it's important that you are comfortable with the visuals and be able to be unaffected.
9. Improve your mental math as part of your study plan
Mental Maths is a time-saving tool that you will want in your arsenal when it comes to the quantitative section.
As you're practicing, resist the urge to reach for your calculator at every opportunity. Instead, practice doing calculations in your mind. You won't have a calculator for the actual quant section of the GMAT test, so it's important to hone your mental math skills.
10. Push Your Limits With Advanced Questions
Are you eyeing a seat in one of the world's leading MBA or Business Master's programs? You can increase your odds dramatically with a specific GMAT test score. To push the upper limit of what you are capable of, there is no better resource than the GMAT Official Advanced Questions.
Get instant access to all 300 hand-picked tough GMAT questions from past exams. You will also get access to an online question bank that allows you to create customized practice sets. It's the best option for those looking to earn a high GMAT score—the kind that can get you that MBA or Business Master's acceptance letter you've been dreaming of.
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